50 things you can do today to manage stress by Wendy Green is one of those books you usually look at in a book shop, browse a bit, but in the end you do not buy. Inside you just find advice that you already knew. I am not saying that it is a bad book, but I am also saying that it is not very special either. A Google search would get you the same results as buying this one. On the other hand, if you'd rather skip the research and just find all the useful information in one place, Wendy Green's book offers you exactly that.
What I liked about this book is that it gives you comprehensive explanations on the ways to manage stress. It even gives you the good and the side effects of certain popular supplements you can take to manage anxiety. Recommending other books, seemed a bit like a marketing gimmick, even though the author's intentions were honorable. The advice on managing stress at work, I do not find valid. I had tried it in the past and it didn't work: taking a break is not always viable to do, certain teas do help but not always, decluttering my desk didn't help because by the end of the day it was just like it was when I got to work, to-do lists don't work either because I am always under fire from my boss and she comes up with new and unexpected changes. I guess the book is not for someone who works in an uber-stressful workplace.
On the other hand, assertiveness, anger management and overcoming fear ideas were appealing to try. I mean it takes practice, but on the other hand I found them like fighting fire with fire. Overcoming fear by facing your fears, seems a bit more stressful than just avoiding the fear factors in the first place. I also do not deny the use of Asian medicine and meditation: T'ai Chi, Yoga and meditation might work, but are you really in the mood for that when you're already stressed and pumped up with adrenaline, or exhausted after a crazy day at work? I think not. She does make some valid points but, let's face it, who has time to write a journal about every day stressors?!
All in all this is a competent book to read as a start-up guide on how to clean your life from bullshit that drives you nuts. I am a bit conflicted whether or not to recommend it instead of a bit of internet research. But then again you do get a list of natural supplements and their side side effects, that it takes a bit of googling to find out. This time is your call. I am not going to stress about it.