Sunday, October 14, 2012

Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter - the movie

Well... well... well... I had finally managed to see the cinematic adaptation of Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, a book I had written about  a while back. My expectations were low. I mean they were so low, that I had waited to see it online, than to actually pay and go to the cinema. During the movie I kinda wished I went to the cinema for this one, because a lot of the action scenes were created for 3D and the images were very well done. 

The movie takes about 3-4 main ideas from the book, but the overall feeling is that only the title keeps a constant similarity. Most characters are there, but instead of a historical book with some vampire action, the movie is a lot of vampire action with very little history. I guess the movie makers felt that the book was not as juicy as the public might have wanted. Not even the main ideas, that were borrowed from the book, were not kept close to the original. In percentages I can say that the movie has a 10% similarity with the book (title included).

If you want too see a vampire movie with lots of special effects, beautiful CGI and how Abe Lincoln is swinging his axe a la Blade with his sword, you should definitely watch this movie. If you happen to own a 3D screen, do yourself a favor and watch it in 3D. I did mention Blade because in a way this is the closest vampire action movie I could think of. Oh and the train action reminded me of Priest.  I am still waiting for the following movies: George Washington, cherry tree cutter; Theodore Roosevelt, butterfly catcher; Bill Clinton, assistant fucker and George Bush, pot smoker.

Only one question remains: would Honest Abe kick the shit out of Edward the sparkling vampire? I'd say: DEFFO. :)

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